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I was surfing the net the other day when i came acroos this video. Its great! Have a glance at it.


Now thats what i call an explaination!Especially the tricky one."Take a piece of paper , Draw two dots on it, and fold it till those two dots meet and you'll get a wormhole!"

Seems so practical, but it isn't is it?. Thats the way i like physics, you get an explaination for every mystery in it :p.


The other day, i was thinking about atlantis when something suddenly stroke my mind. is it man itself who after evolving enough in the future to make a timemachine, decided to travel back to past due to which he left some traces?. Well time is always a mysterious dimension.

I don’t know whether the theory is already proposed or not, but i just wanted to share what i thought of it for a minute.
