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Hello friends the fact that I am going to reveal is a true one and please do read with patience. This info was collected by me on my interest and is presented to you.
This is a thread that I’m posting to tell narrate you the end of this world on the doom’s day i.e., DECEMBER, 12, 2012. I’m gonna tell you the different auricles and predictions of different people of our ancient world on this topic.
Ancient Mayan civilization was one of the greatest civilizations on earth to flourish. They were experts in predicting the astronomical events and eclipses and also many more events. They always considered TIME as their factor of life. They tried to be victorious over it and devised many Techniques for that. On there observations for several or may be thousands of years, they devised a Mayan calendar for more than 6000 years which is based on the lunar and solar cycles and other heavenly bodies.
The remarkable thing about this calendar was that it even calculated the several heavenly cycles with their specific dates and also time with precision. This Mayan calendar had also one specialty, it could calculate and able to locate the doom days that were repeated every 12 years which were absolutely right like the conquest of conquistadors into Mayan, the French civil war, the two world wars etc.They were predicted by ancient Mayan priests
And last but not the least; it also predicted the end of the world on DEC 12 2012. The more astonishing explanation of them was that, on that day the earth, the sun and the black hole that lie at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy would align in a straight line by which there would be an inversion of poles i.e., the North Pole will become south and vice versa. This would occur every 25000 years as a cycle. At this moment the magnetic field will be inverted and the earth will suffer a severe catastrophic disaster.
This theory is not a false one, even the NASA has agreed with this statement and is supportive for this statement. Last time when it had occurred the earth has suffered a severe loses in its biosphere and there were many physiological changes on the earth. This is one of the predictions’ of the DOOM’S DAY.
I Ching is an ancient book that was written by I Ching an ancient Chinese emperor on the predictions. He was also an expert in predicting the future by his unusual method. In this method he used to toss three coins and after that he used to note down the combination of the heads and the tails and used to note them in the form of the continuous and discontinuous lines. He used to draw six lines totaling the combinations to 64.Each combination has a unique auricle and used to tell the future of a person. When modern investigators observed these combinations they noticed a unique pattern. When these combinations were graphed, taking time as a scale they were shocked to see the result. There were some ups and downs in the graph; the downs represented the global catastrophes like world wars etc. But the graph seemed to be coming to an end on an unusual date which on investigations reported to be……DEC 12 2012 the DOOMS DAY.
A town in Greece called dolphin holds a very great mystery of dooms day. The priestess of Apollo God is the predictors this time. In the ancient Greek some people used to consult them for their successful prophecies. They predicted the birth of Alexander and many more historical events much earlier. They also predicted the end of world by severe global calamities. This day is imagined as doom’s day, as predicted by others.
He was a very mysterious wizard of his time. He used to live in ancient England. He used to wander in forests and foresee the future. He used to give free predictions to the king of England. He predicted the fall of Charles accurately. He predicted that the London would taste the bloodshed and world would be striving in disasters. He predicted this day would be no other than the December 21.
Civil is an elderly women of ancient Rome who was said to be the first Christian. She used to live in Naples of Italy in a cave and predicted many more things as other fortune tellers do. She predicted the birth of Christ and the emerging empire Constantine. She gave a prediction that the world would suffer global calamities and ultimately it would come to an end. This day was said to be December 21 2012. She predicted the fall of Roman Empire by Persians.
There is no strong proof that she existed in real or not. But the writer of this series of prophesies has existed in late 16th century. He was believed to be in London. Although, he gave prophesies on the name of Mother Shift an, he predicted much real ones like world wars and the inventions of modern things. He also predicted the deadly end of the world on the doom’s day.
Holy bible was also a good proof for the real auricles. In Bible, according to book of revelation there were many things in the future that changed the world. The author of this world John Chad predicted many nuclear war fares and bio-nuclear weapons using in the wars. He gave the prediction that ‘666’ would destroy the entire world. This number is believed to be the name of the person like terrorist who is trying to destroy the world. He predicted that the people cry and suffer the nature’s anger on the doom’s day.
He was a tribal in American southwest. He used to perform great spiritual practices by which he could be able to predict the future. According to him, the world has been destroyed 3 times and now there is existence of 4th one. But he said that this 4th world will be destroyed on doom’s day an there would be the creation of 5th world. He explained this by saying that the sun will get brighter and sea levels will rise higher.
He was a South American in 1890. He used to get vivid dreams of the future. He predicted that there would be a global war fare by which the world gets destroyed.
Unlike others, this one is a new theory. This theory is dependent on internet. The Web Bot project was started in 1998 to keep a look on different wards in the World Wide Web. In June 2001, the Web Bat project designers gathered different phrases from these wards and predicted the future as the WTC incident. This picking up the phrases has resulted has been done on several incidents such as the American war on Iraq etc.The modern observation of these phrases revealed an death blowing truth about the end of the earth on DEC 12 2012.
Besides all these there is a threat to our home planet from the extra terrestrial bodies like comets, meteorites etc.There are more than 1000 comets that were identified which can impact the earth with its huge mass. There is also a comet whose path has intercepted ours on DEC 12 2012.The scientists are saying that this comet is 25 times bigger than the comet that resulted in the extinction of the Dinosaurs. The preparations have already gone on the way to save its threat from us.
According to me, the time is never the same always. It has made our humans to suffer many times as well. These predictions are from all over the world and are not of same time, and not of same place and are not written by a same person as well .So we can’t neglect these predictions to be a thrash and we may not even believe them to be true .We may all underestimate our ancients on this….but the modern scientists had already agreed about the fact of earth’s end. Are these Predictions are true???…..Will the earth be destroyed on the DOOM’S DAY???….is it the end of our home planet???...is it the end of the human race on earth which has dominated the whole earth with its intellect???......Or will the man be able to escape from this DOOM’S DAY with his remarkable intelligence????.......Only the time can decide……..
